What is scheduled personal property coverage?

Scheduled personal property coverage is a home insurance policy add-on that increases coverage limits for expensive valuables like jewelry, antiques, firearms, and more.

Headshot of Pat Howard
Headshot of Kara McGinley


Pat HowardManaging Editor & Licensed Home Insurance ExpertPat Howard is a licensed insurance expert and managing editor at Policygenius. Pat has written extensively about the home insurance industry and his insights as a subject matter expert have appeared in several top tier publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Reuters. Pat has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Michigan State University.&Kara McGinleySenior Editor & Licensed Home Insurance ExpertKara McGinley is a former senior editor and licensed home insurance expert at Policygenius, where she specialized in homeowners and renters insurance. As a journalist and as an insurance expert, her work and insights have been featured in Forbes Advisor, Kiplinger, Lifehacker, MSN, WRAL.com, and elsewhere.

Updated|3 min read

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With homeowners insurance, your standard personal property coverage comes with limits to how much expensive valuables like jewelry, fine art, and electronics are covered. It’s also limited in the types of perils that are covered and where your belongings are covered. That’s where scheduled personal property coverage comes in.

Scheduled personal property coverage is an endorsement that you can add to your home insurance policy to raise coverage limits for high-value items to ensure all of your belongings are fully protected — no matter how or where they’re damaged.

Get home insurance quotes for scheduled personal property coverage

Key takeaways

  • Standard personal property coverage in your home insurance policy only covers expensive items up to a limited amount.

  • Scheduled personal property coverage lets you increase your coverage limits on high-value belongings and covers more types of loss, like if you lose or accidentally damage something.

  • You typically don’t have to pay a deductible on scheduled personal property claims.

  • Scheduled personal property coverage costs around $100 for every $10,000 in coverage.

What is scheduled personal property coverage? 

Scheduled personal property coverage is supplemental protection you can add to your home insurance policy to increase coverage limits for your valuable belongings. A standard homeowners insurance policy limits coverage for certain types of personal property like jewelry, antiques, fine art, firearms, and other expensive items.  

Here are common coverage sublimits for high-value items you’ll find on a standard home insurance policy without scheduled personal property coverage:

Personal property

Coverage limits


$2,000 to $2,500




$2,000 to $3,000

Silverware & goldware


Some policies also have limits on individual items. So even if your jewelry sublimit is $2,000, the maximum they’ll pay out for a single piece of jewelry may only be $500 or $1,000. In addition, standard home insurance policies typically have strict sublimits of around $500 for personal property that’s damaged or stolen away from your home

This is why scheduled personal property coverage is so important: Your scheduled items are typically fully covered anywhere in the world.

Let’s take a look at an example

Say your girlfriend proposes a few days before you’re set to jet off to the Caribbean. If you want to make sure your engagement ring is covered up to its full value — whether you lose it on your trip or it’s stolen from your hotel room — you can schedule an endorsement to your policy to increase coverage limits and ensure it’s fully protected.

What types of valuables are typically covered by scheduled personal property?

You can typically purchase a scheduled personal property endorsement for the following types of high-value belongings:

  • Jewelry

  • Furs

  • Fine art

  • Cameras & electronics

  • Bikes, golf equipment, & other sporting equipment

  • Musical instruments

  • Stamp, card, & coin collections

  • Silverware & goldware

  • Firearms

How much does scheduled personal property coverage cost?

Scheduled personal property coverage costs around $100 per $10,000 in coverage annually for a single category, according to Policygenius data. 

Coverage will generally be cheaper if you’re scheduling multiple items under a single category, than if you have one high-value item. So if you’re scheduling three rings that add up to $15,000 in coverage, expect a lower premium than if you scheduled a single necklace for that same coverage amount.

Let’s take a look at how much scheduled personal property coverage might cost you based on different high-value items you might want covered:

Scheduled property

Scheduled personal property coverage limit

Annual coverage cost

Set of golf clubs



2 expensive cameras



Engagement ring



3 pieces of artwork



Values logo

Do I have to pay a deductible when I file a claim for scheduled property?

You usually don’t have to pay a deductible when you file a claim for scheduled personal property. That means if a scheduled item is damaged, you likely won’t have to pay anything out of pocket in order for your insurer to pay out the claim.

This is another perk of scheduled personal property coverage. If you were just relying on your standard personal property coverage when filing the claim, you’d have to pay your deductible before your insurance company would cover the loss.

Get home insurance quotes for scheduled personal property coverage

Who needs scheduled personal property coverage?

If you own anything of value that exceeds the personal property coverage limits in your home insurance policy, you should look into a scheduled personal property endorsement.

So whether you own a nice road bike, antiques from your great-grandmother, or a sick set of golf clubs, you should consider scheduling an endorsement to your policy to make sure they’re protected for their full value.

Scheduled personal property coverage also covers a greater variety of loss. So if you accidentally lose your new Rolex watch or a plumbing leak ruins your expensive baseball card collection, a scheduled personal property endorsement would reimburse you up to the scheduled limit of those items.

How to schedule personal property

Follow these steps to schedule your personal property to ensure all of your belongings are fully protected — no matter where you are. 

  1. Look at your policy and identify your personal property limits. You can typically find this under the Personal Property - Coverage C section of your home insurance policy. If you can’t find your policy, reach out to your insurance company. They should be able to email you a copy.

  2. Make a home inventory of your personal belongings. After you’ve made your home inventory and have an approximate value of each item, cross-reference the list with your personal property limits to see if you own anything that exceeds those limits and needs to be scheduled.

  3. Ask your home insurance company if they offer scheduled coverage. Most insurance companies offer some form of additional coverage for expensive items. If your company doesn’t offer scheduled personal property coverage, it may provide “blanket” coverage, which simply raises the sublimits and broadens coverage for multiple property types.

  4. Fill out a form for the property you’d like to schedule. On the form, you’ll indicate which item or class of items you’d like to schedule, as well as how much coverage you’d like for each item or property type.

  5. Have your belongings appraised. Before scheduling your personal belongings, your insurer may ask for an appraisal so they can verify that your stuff is worth as much as you say it is. This typically costs anywhere from 

  6. Share the appraisal with your insurance company. And that’s it! Once you share the appraisal with your home insurance company, they’ll schedule your personal belongings for the appraised amount, and you can rest easy knowing your most precious things are fully protected.

What's the difference between scheduled property coverage and blanket insurance?

Scheduled personal property coverage lets you increase coverage limits for specific items you own, while blanket insurance increases coverage limits for whole categories of items you might own.

Here's a quick breakdown of the differences between scheduled property coverage and blanket insurance coverage.

Scheduled property coverage

Blanket insurance coverage


Increases coverage limits for one specific item

Increases coverage limits for an entire category of belongings

Example of covered belongings

Engagement ring

Full jewelry collection

When it's best

If you have a few high-value belongings in different categories

If you have several expensive collections in different categories

→ Take a deeper dive into blanket insurance coverage

Does scheduled personal property coverage cover mysterious disappearance?

Scheduled personal property coverage may cover your scheduled belongings if you lose them or they go missing. Keep in mind this is only for scheduled items — standard personal property coverage does not cover belongings that you lose or misplace.

Get home insurance quotes for scheduled personal property coverage

Frequently asked questions

What is unscheduled personal property?

Unscheduled personal property refers to belongings that are already covered under your standard home insurance policy’s personal property coverage section. In other words, it’s not property that’s been explicitly listed out or itemized on your policy.

What is personal property coverage?

Personal property coverage is a category of coverage in a standard homeowners insurance policy. It protects your belongings if they are damaged by a covered peril, like weather-related damage and vandalism. It also covers your belongings if they’re stolen.

What does scheduled mean in insurance?

When a piece of property is “scheduled” in insurance, that means the item is specifically listed on your policy and covered up to a certain agreed-upon amount.

Does the scheduled personal property endorsement provide open perils coverage?

Yes, a scheduled personal property endorsement comes with “open perils” coverage, meaning that your belongings are covered against every hazard except what’s specifically excluded in your policy documents.


Pat Howard is a licensed insurance expert and managing editor at Policygenius. Pat has written extensively about the home insurance industry and his insights as a subject matter expert have appeared in several top tier publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Reuters. Pat has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Michigan State University.

Kara McGinley is a former senior editor and licensed home insurance expert at Policygenius, where she specialized in homeowners and renters insurance. As a journalist and as an insurance expert, her work and insights have been featured in Forbes Advisor, Kiplinger, Lifehacker, MSN, WRAL.com, and elsewhere.

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