How to add a driver to your car insurance

You can add licensed drivers who live with you or are related to you to your car insurance policy. Adding a driver to your policy is usually quick and can be done online or over the phone.

Headshot of Anna Swartz
Headshot of Rachael Brennan


Anna SwartzSenior Managing EditorAnna Swartz is a senior managing editor who specializes in home, auto, renters, and disability insurance at Policygenius. Previously, she was a senior staff writer at Mic and a writer at The Dodo. Her work has also appeared in Salon, HuffPost, MSN, AOL, and Heeb. &Rachael BrennanSenior Editor & Licensed Auto Insurance ExpertRachael Brennan is a senior editor and a licensed auto insurance expert at Policygenius. Her work has also been featured in MoneyGeek, Clearsurance, Adweek, Boston Globe, The Ladders, and

Updated|3 min read

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Adding a new driver to your existing car insurance policy is usually a quick and easy process. Much like adding a new vehicle to your existing policy, adding someone to your car insurance policy as a named driver involves contacting your auto insurance company and giving them some basic information about you, your vehicle, and info about the new driver you want to add to your policy.

Ready to shop car insurance?

Before you add a new driver to your insurance policy, it’s important to consider who needs to be listed on your policy and how much adding a new driver will affect the cost of your monthly premiums

Key takeaways

  • Your insurance company may require you to add any licensed drivers in your household to your auto insurance policy

  • If someone who doesn’t live with you occasionally borrows your car, you don’t need to add them to your policy, they’ll be covered automatically

  • Most insurance companies allow you to add drivers to your policy either online or over the phone

  • Adding a driver to your policy may or may not affect your premiums, but if you add an inexperienced or teenage driver, expect your rates to go up

Who do I need to add to my car insurance policy?

Generally, if you live with any immediate family members of driving age, they should be listed on your car insurance policy as named drivers. In some states, it’s required that the other members of your household be listed on your policy. That includes your partner or spouse and any children of driving age.

People who don’t live with you but borrow your car occasionally don’t usually need to be added to your policy, they’ll likely be covered under what is called “permissive use”, which extends your car insurance coverage to other drivers provided you gave them permission to use your car.

If you lend your car out to another driver who uses it every once in a while, permissive use means they’ll be covered if they get into an accident when they’re driving your vehicle — as long as they’re not an excluded driver. An excluded driver is a driver who is specifically excluded from your policy, often because they would be too costly to add, either because of their age or a poor driving record.

Should my roommate be listed on my car insurance policy?

If you and your roommate each have your own vehicle, you probably don’t need to be listed on each other’s policies (although some insurance companies require you to include everyone who lives with you, so you should double check with your insurer).

However, if your roommate does drive your car frequently, it’s a good idea to add them to your policy even if it’s not specifically required. If your roommate borrows your car and gets into an accident, and your car insurance company decided that they should have been listed on your policy and weren’t, then the damage may not be covered.

Also, if you are part of an unmarried couple and you live with your significant other, you may be required by your insurance company to list them on your policy.

How do I add a new driver to my car insurance policy?

Updating your current car insurance policy to include another driver is a fairly simple process, and most major insurers make it possible for you to make changes to your policy online or over the phone. To add another driver to your car insurance policy, you’ll need some basic information on hand about the driver you’re adding, including their:

  • Full name and date-of-birth

  • Social Security number

  • License number

  • Driving record, including any of their recent previous accidents and traffic violations

How much does it cost to add a driver to my car insurance policy?

Car insurance premiums are determined by a number of factors, including where you live, what kind of vehicle you drive, your credit history, driving record, and even your age and gender. All of that means it’s hard to guess what effect adding a new driver to your insurance policy will have on your monthly premiums.

But, while it seems counterintuitive, adding a new driver to your policy can often have little to no effect on your premiums. In fact, if the added driver is an adult with a clean driving history, adding them to your coverage can sometimes even lower your insurance premiums.

Does adding a teen driver to my insurance policy raise my rates?

One instance in which adding a driver to your policy will likely raise your rates is when you’re adding a teen driver or a newly licensed young driver to your coverage. Car insurance companies see teens and young drivers as high-risk because of their age and inexperience, meaning they can be very expensive to insure. 

When you’re adding a teen to your coverage, make sure to look into discounts specifically for teenage drivers, like good student discounts or discounts for taking extra driver’s education courses. Some insurance companies even offer special programs for teen drivers that track their driving and provide feedback. 

Learn more about finding affordable coverage for teens


What happens when you add a driver to your insurance?

It depends on the driver, but adding someone new to your insurance policy may not change your car insurance premiums. In fact, if the driver has a better driving record than you, adding them to your policy could earn you new discounts. However, if the person you add to your policy recently got their license, or has a history of car accidents or traffic violations, your rates will likely go up when you add them.

Can someone drive my car if they’re not on my insurance?

Usually, yes. Car insurance follows the car, not the driver. That means when someone borrows your car, they’re basically borrowing your car insurance, too. If they get into an accident while driving your car, they’ll be covered by your insurance. Car insurance companies know that people borrow each other’s cars here and there, which is why “permissive use” is built into auto insurance policies.

Can I add someone to my car insurance that doesn’t live with me?

Typically, someone needs to live with you or be related to you to be added to your car insurance policy. If your child moves away for college, you can usually keep them on your insurance policy even if they aren’t currently living at your address. If you and your partner live at separate addresses, depending on your insurance company, you may also be able to share coverage even if you’re not living in the same place.


Anna Swartz is a senior managing editor who specializes in home, auto, renters, and disability insurance at Policygenius. Previously, she was a senior staff writer at Mic and a writer at The Dodo. Her work has also appeared in Salon, HuffPost, MSN, AOL, and Heeb.

Rachael Brennan is a senior editor and a licensed auto insurance expert at Policygenius. Her work has also been featured in MoneyGeek, Clearsurance, Adweek, Boston Globe, The Ladders, and

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