Can you get homeowners insurance without an inspection?

Maybe — it’s up to your insurance company to decide if an inspection is needed. In many cases, it depends on the age of your home and when it was last inspected.

Headshot of Pat Howard
Headshot of Kara McGinley


Pat HowardManaging Editor & Licensed Home Insurance ExpertPat Howard is a licensed insurance expert and managing editor at Policygenius. Pat has written extensively about the home insurance industry and his insights as a subject matter expert have appeared in several top tier publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Reuters. Pat has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Michigan State University.&Kara McGinleySenior Editor & Licensed Home Insurance ExpertKara McGinley is a former senior editor and licensed home insurance expert at Policygenius, where she specialized in homeowners and renters insurance. As a journalist and as an insurance expert, her work and insights have been featured in Forbes Advisor, Kiplinger, Lifehacker, MSN,, and elsewhere.

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Britta M. MossBritta M. MossProperty & casualty claim consultant and expert witnessBritta M. Moss, CPCU, SCLA, AIC-M, has over 25 years of insurance industry experience. In her work as a property and casualty claim consultant, she provides consultation and expert witness services in claim handling standards, practices, and norms.  She has been retained by law firms representing plaintiffs and those representing insurer defendants involved in disputes or litigation regarding coverage analysis, investigation, liability determination, damage evaluation, negotiation and settlement.  She is a graduate of The Ohio State University. 

Updated|3 min read

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May 2024 update: What to do if you're struggling to find coverage

Homeowners in areas at high risk of hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and other natural disasters have seen their rates skyrocket or been dropped by their home insurance company altogether. To get your home protected again, our expert home insurance agents at Policygenius can walk you through alternatives to traditional home insurance to help you find a policy at the lowest price possible — whether that's through surplus lines carriers, regional insurers, or your state’s FAIR plan.

Before your homeowners insurance policy becomes active, or in force, your insurance company may send over an inspector to ensure all of the information in your application is accurate. A home inspection can uncover any unaccounted-for risks or determine that your home’s replacement cost value is higher or lower than the initial estimate. Your insurance company can also cancel your policy if your home is considered too high risk based on findings in the inspection.

But despite being an industry standard, home inspections don’t always end up happening — it’s ultimately left to the discretion of your homeowners insurance company.

Key takeaways

  • A home insurance inspection is used to determine your home’s insurability and the accuracy of information submitted in your application.

  • In some cases, like if your home was recently built or recently underwent an inspection, your insurance company may not need to inspect your home.

  • If your home fails an inspection, your insurance company may still insure your home under the condition that you fix or repair specific areas of property within a limited timeframe.

Ready to shop home insurance?

Is a home inspection required to get homeowners insurance?

That’s up to the company that is insuring your home — but generally no, there is no law or industry-wide rule that says every home must be inspected in order to be insured. 

If your home is new or the previous owner of your home had an insurance inspection done the year prior with the same company, the insurance company may trust that the home is still in good shape and forgo the inspection.

A home insurance inspection is different from a buyer’s inspection.

A buyer’s inspection may be recommended by your lender, but isn’t required either. You would get a buyer’s inspection before you buy the home. You can use a buyer’s inspection to discover any property-related flaws — this can give you leverage to negotiate a lower price on the home or convince the seller to pay for repairs as a condition for accepting the offer. 

What do inspectors look for during a 4-point inspection?

If your insurance company does require you to have a 4-point inspection, it’s typically your responsibility to pay for the inspection. A 4-point inspection is especially common if your home is over 25 years old or has a history of maintenance or repair issues. A 4-point inspection consists of a thorough look at four parts of the home:

  • Roof

  • Plumbing

  • HVAC system

  • Electrical work

Unlike the frame and exterior build, these four areas have a limited lifespan and need to be updated every so often through repairs or full-on renovations. Obsolete electrical work, rusty and leaky pipes, and an old roof are viewed as high risk by insurers and more likely to result in loss and insurance claims.

Once the inspector completes the inspection, they relay their findings to the insurance company, who may alter your coverage or rates.

Here’s an example

The inspector determines that your roof has cosmetic damage and is nearing its expiration date. This may not cause you to fail your inspection, but it could mean significantly higher insurance premiums than if you replaced it with a new roof. 

→ Learn more about what to expect during a home insurance inspection

If your home is newer, the inspector may only survey the outside of your home.

If you live in a home that’s less than 25 years old, it’s possible that your insurer will only require an  inspector to briefly survey the outside of your home, instead of conducting a full 4-point inspection.

How much does a home inspection cost?

A home inspection can cost anywhere from $125 to $500 — it varies greatly depending on where you live and the type of inspection you need. Most insurance companies have a few inspectors they refer clients to, but you can also find an inspector on your own. Just remember that it pays to shop around for the lowest quote, especially since you’re likely going to be footing the bill.

Can you use an appraisal to get homeowners insurance?

It’s also possible, although not very likely, that your insurance company will accept a home appraisal in lieu of an inspector.

A home appraisal is an inspection of the home itself and its surrounding area for the purpose of arriving at a value for the home. You typically get a home appraisal when you take out a mortgage or second mortgage on the home, and they generally don’t provide the same level of specificity to insurers as a thorough home inspection.

Can you still get homeowners insurance if you don’t pass your inspection?

If you fail your home insurance inspection, you may simply need to fix whatever damage that’s making your home uninsurable. But it’s also possible that your insurer will write you a policy but include a stipulation that you make certain repairs within a limited time frame — usually 30 to 90 days.

For example, an insurance company may agree to insure your home, but with a contingency that you hire an arborist to trim the branches hanging over your roof from a large tree within a certain timeframe. 

Repairing or replacing old roofs, HVAC systems, and replacing aluminum wiring with copper wiring are also common policy contingencies that can affect your home’s insurability. If your home is simply too old for standard home insurance companies to take a gamble on, you can still get insured through certain companies such as Foremost that specialize in high-risk properties.

If you can’t find coverage, consider the surplus market or your state’s FAIR Plan.

If you keep getting denied coverage, consider the excess and surplus market — this is essentially a market of insurance that isn’t state licensed so companies are able to take on more risk than “admitted” carriers (insurance companies whose policies are financially backed by the state’s department of insurance).

And if you can’t find coverage on the surplus market, you also have the option of getting insured via your state’s FAIR Plan — a last-resort option for homeowners who can’t find coverage on the private market.

5 tips for passing a home inspection

Before your home inspection, you should prepare your home and property as best as possible. Below are a few tips on how to do that. 

  • Trim overgrown branches. You should trim or cut any branches that are overgrown and pose a risk to your roof. 

  • Clean your gutters. Remove any debris and make sure your gutters are clear.

  • Make sure your fire alarms are functioning. Depending on the type of inspection you're getting, you should make sure that your alarms are all working properly. 

  • Make sure your plumbing is in working order. Check that no pipes or drains are clogged or leaking. 

  • Repair any minor roof damage. Replacing missing shingles or patching up small holes in your roof before the inspection may help you pass faster.

Frequently asked questions

What else might inspectors look for in a home inspection?

If your entire home gets inspected, it’ll be more comprehensive than a 4-point inspection. In addition to what they look for in a 4-point inspection, inspectors may also examine your floor, walls, ceilings, basement, stairwell, chimney, and more.

Can I refuse a home inspection?

Yes, you can reject a home inspection, but in turn, the insurer will likely reject your application all together. Most insurance companies would likely see it as a red flag if you refuse to allow your home to be inspected.

Why does an insurance company want to inspect my home?

Before agreeing to insure your home, an insurance company will want to make sure everything in your application is accurate and true. So they require an inspector to examine your property and pass off their report to insurance company underwriters. The inspection helps your insurer determine your home’s insurability — or make potential adjustments to coverages like your home’s replacement cost — and set your insurance premiums.


Pat Howard is a licensed insurance expert and managing editor at Policygenius. Pat has written extensively about the home insurance industry and his insights as a subject matter expert have appeared in several top tier publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Reuters. Pat has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Michigan State University.

Kara McGinley is a former senior editor and licensed home insurance expert at Policygenius, where she specialized in homeowners and renters insurance. As a journalist and as an insurance expert, her work and insights have been featured in Forbes Advisor, Kiplinger, Lifehacker, MSN,, and elsewhere.

Expert reviewer

Britta M. Moss, CPCU, SCLA, AIC-M, has over 25 years of insurance industry experience. In her work as a property and casualty claim consultant, she provides consultation and expert witness services in claim handling standards, practices, and norms.  She has been retained by law firms representing plaintiffs and those representing insurer defendants involved in disputes or litigation regarding coverage analysis, investigation, liability determination, damage evaluation, negotiation and settlement.  She is a graduate of The Ohio State University. 

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